criminal law
We only act for people under investigation or prosecution for criminal offences. We never prosecute. Unusually, perhaps, in this in this field of work, we do not accept Publicly Funded instructions (No Legal Aid). For many years, most of our work was Legally Aided but this became uneconomic and most importantly, in the field of complex and serious crime, we came more under constraint in the amount of work we could do for the Publicly Funded Litigant.
To each of our Defendant Client’s, a successful result is the most important criterion. For the innocent, an acquittal is paramount as a wrong verdict in court, may result in a recorded conviction, loss of reputation and character, loss of employment, destruction of a personal relationship and even the loss of liberty. All of these carry a heavy price for the person upon whom suspicion has fallen. We practice Criminal Law to ensure justice for our clients and the correct result is usually achieved by hard work – turning over the stones which the Prosecution forgot to look under; finding and interviewing witnesses who would not otherwise have been spoken to; checking the logistics and site of the crime alleged; enquiries into the character and bona fides of the Crown Witnesses; instructing experts to provide forensic evidence or to countermand the conclusions of the Prosecution Witnesses. All of these are essential preparation in a Criminal Trial and we prefer not to operate under a Legal Aid regime which restricts or refuses payment for some or all of these facilities.
In Criminal Law Trials, you only get one opportunity to assert innocence, and it must not be wasted.

Expertise since 1973
Our experience goes back to 1973, in our former practices. Mr Strachan, our Principal, has defended clients in 143 homicide trials, 91% of which were contested and only 2 clients were ever convicted. His experience ranges from simple thefts and assaults to the most complex level of fraud. He has acted as Advocate in the contested hearing at which a high ranking member of the Judiciary disqualified himself from further participation in the multi defendant trial of the largest fraud prosecution of its type mounted by the Crown Prosecution Service.

Our charges are based on hourly rates plus disbursements incurred. Magistrates and Crown Court Hearings, other than contested matters, are likely to cost £500 – £750 per hearing, plus disbursements and plus VAT @ 20%. Contested Hearings of Trials and Applications will be charged at the hourly rate of the staff member concerned but £1,000 plus VAT @ 20% for each half day hearing would be likely. For more information check our hourly rate.
Tel: 02077290003
Email: [email protected]
AM Strachan & Co, Hourly Rates
Please see individual Legal Service Pages for further explanation and cost details. However, for your reference our hourly are set out below:-
- Principal £400.00 to £475.00 per hour plus VAT @ 20%
- Senior Solicitor £300.00 to £375.00 per hour plus VAT @ 20%
- Consultant Solicitor/Solicitor £275.00 to £325.00 per hour plus VAT @ 20%
- Litigation Executives £250.00 to £300.00 per hour plus VAT @ 20%
- Trainee Solicitor/Paralegal £170.00 to £250.00 per hour plus VAT @ 20%
These rates accord with the Guidance of The Senior Courts Office
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